
Well well, here we go. 
The biggest library client I have. 

In case you didn't read it on one of my other pages/blog posts, I'm an achievement hunter. But, not just that. I like to collect as well. Back in the days this was a material matter. After alot happened (at some point I had to give it all up and it realy left a scar), I subconciously started collecting on Steam. I didn't realize that I was doing this. It just happened. 

And then I did realize. I was collecting games and I wasn't really sure what to do with this. Of course I was careful with spending money, so I started hunting free games. I managed to get alot of those. I played nearly every one of them that contained achievements. I wasn't sure what to do with the other games, as I wasn't sure if it had any point to play them. No achievements, then why play it? That's when I started collecting card drops. I found out that if you collect those and make their badges, you can get more coupons and other things like backgrounds and emoticons that you can sell. When you have a badge, you sometimes get a booster pack from that game too. So, you get even more cards that you can sell on the Steam community market. And eventually that leads to enough money to buy a new game!

I can't really call it a hobby, it's more like an obsession to me. I'm sure that having to give up everything has to do with this. Anyway, I found my ways to suppress this. 

Of course, hunting games also results in already having several of those. I found a way to work around that too. I'm trading them. So, what do I do with the other keys that I can't find a trade for? I occaisionally give them away in the gaming community. Reliant Dragons. There's actually a link above in the menu as well :P but whatever. We also got a Steam community group for our gaming community. And of course, if you like to join, you are welcome!

So, what games do I play alot on Steam?

Right now, I'm playing several games for their achievements. And in those, is one I really enjoy alot. It might surprise you, but it's actually a really casual game. 

Pixel Puzzles Ultimate

It's really "just a puzzle" game. For some people it's no more than that. But to me it's an interesting game that keeps expanding itself. I play it alot during loading screens etc. 
They have free puzzle bundels, but of course they also have paid puzzle bundels. Some day, I hope I could get them all! I got all of the bundels on my wishlist
I think they are a great birthday present :P Which is also the reason I'm not buying those myself (well sometimes maybe but mostly not). I'd feel honored if someone gave me one!

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