
I get asked questions alot, so I decided to just make a page for that. 
In case you didn't read my blog post filled with information, go read it now!

I will not discuss questions asked that are already answered in that blog post!
Some quicky links to avoid questions for those :P

Facebook | Twitter | Twitch | YouTube

Q: What games do you play?
A: I've tried alot of games, you can find more information on that here.
My "main games" are League of Legends, Minecraft and StarCraft II. I'm also really into alpha/beta testing. I just love games :)

Q: What is your occupation?
A: I don't work. It's almost impossible with a diagnosis of BPD. 

Q: So... What do you do during the day?
A: I'm doing my household, cuddle my kitties, think of ideas - and ways to get those to life, I care for my bf when needed. I write about- and record gameplay. I try to help others as much as I can. And of course I'm trying to keep my head above water, which has gotten harder after my bf moved in with me (financial). 
I'm also the "Strong Shield Maiden" (social media admin) of Reliant Dragons.

Q: What is your favorite way to express yourself?
A: Non-verbal. Since I have a pretty serious hearing loss, verbal communication is far off for me. I often mishear things that are important and it's bloody annoying. I'm looking at the way someone is sitting or standing when they talk to me. I analyse their behavior :P As if I'm in a zoo. I also express myself through writing and other arts. 
As for emotions, I get mad and get ragefits sometimes, but most of the time... I cry. Even when there's nothing to cry about. It's a way for me to get rid of it all, as if every tear contains a little bit of stress, rolling off my cheek.

Q: What is your religion?
A: I don't do religion. It's just something floaty some people need to believe in to get through life. I'm fine with life as it is. I take every hit and learn from it. I don't pray for it to go away. I fight. And no, I'm not planning to become religious at all.

Q: Do you have a website for your arts & crafts?
A: Not really, usually I just post things that I made on my personal facebook (no you're not getting that). Sometimes on one of my pages, and sometimes on DeviantArt.
I'm also working on a webshop :)

Q: Do you have any free patterns?
A: Right now, I don't. I do plan on making some crochet videos and explanations eventually. But I'm not sure if anybody would be interested in that... And to make that a success I'll have to grow my nails again... Alot has happened and when I stress I bite them. If I'm gonna make a video showing my nails, I'd better do it right!

Q: Where do you get your ideas for this blog?
A: I don't know, sometimes I see something and it results into an idea. I suffer from sleeplessness and when I can't sleep, things just pop up in my mind. This can be something I need to draw, write down quickly, or complete ideas that I need a spot for to post. I have alot of unpublished ideas on this blog, I can assure you xD

If you have any other questions, feel free to comment below. Who knows, I might even add your question to the list :)

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